Performing and teaching inside of the education system, Zuleikha found herself in a session with 500 rambunctious youths. Dancing and telling stories, she captivated their attention, yet after 15 minutes, she noticed they were beginning to wiggle around, as kids do. She tells the story, “I realized they needed to use their energy and it was so crowded that I realized I had to do something vertically, so they wouldn’t get caught up in pushing each other. I asked them all to stand up silently, and we did an exercise that became the beginning of Take A Minute®. The students and the teachers were surprised to enjoy themselves so much, their energy had a chance to move, and then I continued the performance! I noticed they could focus and were attentive after that stretch moment.” Zuleikha then began to present these exercises for members of the state government, teachers in schools and health care workers. It became apparent to her that sitting or standing all day in front of a computer was something that needed a remedy, something that could interrupt the eye to screen fixation, if only for a moment. That is how Take A Minute® was born.
As a Self-Care Trainer/Facilitator, Zuleikha offers training based on TAM to schools, non-profits, hospitals, palliative care centers, government agencies, and corporations worldwide. A list of sessions and trainings in organizations and businesses in the U.S., Canada and India are listed below.
In 2017, Eileen Fisher asked Zuleikha to bring TAM into her educational LifeWorks organization and into her corporation, Eileen Fisher Inc., for employee self-care sessions and a staff training. Today, Zuleikha continues to bring TAM to Eileen Fisher’s employees. “When Zuleikha comes into a meeting” says Eileen, “and leads just a one-minute [exercise] . . . the room starts to shift and people become more engaged and more creative, and there’s an uplifted feeling. It’s amazing.” —Eileen Fisher
Eileen Fisher Learning Lab, Irvington, NY
Trauma Centers, post-9/11, New York City, NY
Renault Peder Alliance, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Eileen Fisher stores across USA for staff stress relief
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, Baltimore MD
McCune Charitable Foundation Staff, Santa Fe, NM
University of Virginia School of Nursing, Charlottesville, VA
Mayo Clinic Conference, Rochester, MN
Santa Fe, NM Public & Private Schools, Teacher Training, NM
Navajo Nation Teacher Trainings, Gallup McKinley County, NM
Seton Hospital, Austin, TX
Northern Navajo Nation elementary schools and health staff, Shiprock, NM
Early Childhood Centers, New Mexico
Gallup Indian Medical Center for groups of nurses and supervisors in Internal Medicine, Podiatry, NM
Tohatchi Medical Center, NM
Blue Mountain Hospital, Blanding, UT
Hope Project, Vocational Classes, Women’s Self Help Groups, School Teachers,
Student-Body, Staff, Delhi, India
CanSupport, Home Care Teams: Doctor, Nurse, Counselor, Staff, Nursing College Foundation Courses,
Nurse Professors, All India Cancer Conferences for doctors and professors, Delhi, India,
15 Girls Schools in Kolkata, India
Trafficked Sex Workers, Kolkata, India
Saved Women of Witchhunt, Jharkhand, India
New Mexico Coalition of Domestic Violence Shelter Managers, NM
Esperanza Shelter, Santa FE
Advocates, Survivors and Offenders of DV, NM
American Embassy staff and workers, Delhi, India
Aravind Eye Hospital, all departments, Madurai, India
TAM is being used in 37 Nursing Colleges in Northern India